We are very grateful to the amazing people who have agreed to share their stories. We think they’re inspirational and hope you enjoy reading them. If you’re interested in becoming a living donor, or know someone affected by failing kidneys, contact to us to see how we can help.
Listen to our living donor podcasts
We love sharing the wonderful stories from our living donors. Every story is different, but the love and care that living donors have is a common thread running through each podcast.
Becoming a living donor
There are many potential benefits of a live donor kidney transplant. These include better long-term outcomes and having a kidney transplant at the right time for you.
There are four routes for living organ donation:
- Direct donation to a known individual
- Directed altruistic donation to a specific individual with no pre-existing relationship
- Non-direct altruistic donation to a complete stranger
- Paired/pooled donation where donor and recipient are incompatible so join a sharing scheme in which they are matched with other registered pairs to increase compatibility for the transplants.
See what they’re saying about More Than a Match
I knew little about organ donation; however, I knew that it was something black people did not partake in. After reading More Than a Match my attitude towards it has changed. The bottom line is that people from the African- Caribbean community must help each other to succeed not only in music and sports but also in health.

R Kwame
Dela, I found your book very informative where the donor is concerned, particularly recovery and life with one kidney.

Cleveland Morris
Reading More Than a Match gave me the courage to come forward as a donor for my sister. Thank you so much Dela for sharing your story, hopefully it will help to change my sister’s life.

Dayo Doru
Thanks for sharing your living donor experience life. As a kidney transplant recipient and activist in this area, I am so grateful that you have shared your family’s story through the pain and joy so that other people are better informed and feel part of a larger family. I am sure your book will give much hope and inspiration to many. God bless you for blessing others

Deepak Mahtani
Anyone looking for more information of being a living kidney donor must read this book!

Dr Sharnoon
Central Middlesex HospitalThis is a warm and sensitively written book chronicling the emotional and practical journey a sister takes by offering to be a living kidney donor for her brother. I found the account easy to read and both informative and inspirational. I highly recommend this book to those who are interested in this topic or contemplating become a living organ donor.