Pilot Project Report 2024
GOLD Quality Improvement
Through their lived experience of living kidney donation, GOLD’s peer phone buddies have a unique opportunity to empower, educate, and inspire Black patients. They take the complexity of living donation and explain it in a simple and practical way that gives hope.
The one-year pilot project featured in the report tested the introduction of a tailored community peer-led intervention at the start of the pre-emptive recipient pathway to change how we approach, discuss, and deliver living donation education and information to Black kidney patients.

More Than a Match, One Family’ Uplifting Experience of Living Kidney Donation Paperback
More Than a Match is an informative guide book on being a Living Kidney Donor for a loved one or close friend who has kidney failure and needs a life- saving transplant.
The book narrates the personal and emotional journey of a family who unite together as living donors to try and save the life of one of their own who needs a life-saving kidney transplant. This book will inspire you to become a living organ donor and change someone’s life forever.
Changing Perceptions
Funded by the NHSBT Living Transplant Initiative, Changing perceptions showcases the stories and photographs of Black men and women who are brothers, sisters, wives, husbands, fathers, mothers, daughters, and sons who have transformed the lives of loved ones by giving them one of their kidneys.
The photographs were taken by Polly Todd a photographer and a living kidney donor, she wants her pictures to inspire and empower black kidney patients to talk about living donation with friends and family.