Page 26 - Changing Perceptions
P. 26

Yvette’s Story

      My name is Yvette Hunt from
      South Norwood, London I gave
      my  sister  Jean,  62,  one  of  my
      kidneys after her own failed due
      to polycystic disease, a condi-
      tion causing fluid-filled cysts to
      grow inside the kidneys.

      I donated my kidney to my sister as I wanted her to have a second chance
      at life, be able to see her daughter graduate, meet her beautiful grand-
      children as well as live her life to her full potential.

      “It was a decision I made without any hesitation and would do it again
      and again if I had the chance to.” I hope more black family members will
      see that living donation is safe and they can help to transform the life of a
      loved one by being a living donor.

      Hilary’s story

      My name is Hilary Rose I’ve
      been a kidney patient at Ham-
      mersmith Hospital since 1992
      as my kidneys were failing due
      to scarring in the kidneys. The
      time came for me to have a
      transplant my husband came
      forward and other family mem-
      bers, but my husband gave me his kidney in 2007 but sadly it failed which
      was very hard on the family.

      I’m ever so grateful for my husband’s act of love and giving me freedom
      from dialysis for a period.

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